Schnellboot S-34

The Schnellboot S-34 was a German fast attack craft, commonly known as a “Schnellboot” or “S-Boat” during World War II. These boats were known for their speed and agility, often used for fast attack and patrol duties. The wreck of the S-34 lies off the coast of Malta, making it an intriguing site for technical divers.

The depth of the dive site is not known

The loss of e-boat S-34

On 17th May, the German E-boats returned once again to lay the 24th Minefield, North-East of Valletta. S34, S35, S58 and S59 were all picked up by coastal searchlights past 2 AM and were engaged by Garden and Fort St. Rocco batteries, 9km away by their BL 9.2inch guns. S34 received a direct hit amidship and started taking water. Under smoke cover by the e-boats, S59 closed in to rescue the crew, but 2 ratings and a petty officer were killed. Scuttling charges were employed but the following day, a Luftwaffe Bf-109 saw the drifting wreck still afloat and settled the matter by a bomb, where the wreck of S-34 is still lies, 12km off Zonqor Point.


Dive location: