Underwater photographers malta

The dive site known as “Reef off Marija’s Cave” or “Reef off Ta’ Marija Cave” is situated on the west coast of Malta. This site is particularly known for its reef and wall features, making it an appealing spot for experienced divers. The average depth at this location is around 16 meters, but it can extend beyond 50 meters, offering opportunities for deep diving exploration.

The reef itself begins 1 kilometer offshore, west of Ta’ Marija Cave, located between Gnejna Bay and Fomm ir-Rih. The edge of the reef steps down in 15-meter increments, eventually reaching depths greater than 60 meters. The sea bed here is characterized by a combination of sand and flat rock.

Marine life at the site includes species such as barracudas, amberjacks, spiny lobsters, morays, tunas, slipper lobsters, and dentex. The site’s walls are covered with a variety of colorful sponges and plants, providing a habitat for smaller species of fish and crustaceans.

Due to its location in the open sea, divers should be cautious of currents and swells. The site is also sensitive to all western winds, which can affect diving conditions. Visibility ranges between 20 to 40 meters, with an average visibility of about 30 meters.


Dive location: