Underwater photographers malta

L’Ahrax Point, situated at the northernmost point of Malta’s main island, offers a diverse and captivating diving experience. This site is renowned for its unique combination of a cave, reef, and wall, making it an intriguing spot for divers of all levels.

The dive site features a variety of underwater landscapes, including a large cavern with a collapsed roof, creating a dramatic circular opening. This cavern, known as the Inland Sea dive site within L’Ahrax Point, rises about 10 meters above the sea surface, offering a unique view from below. Additionally, divers can explore a reef that extends up to 30 meters, a tunnel leading into an “internal sea,” and the enchanting Dragonara Cave, which leaves a lasting impression with its bright corals and red sponges.

The depth at L’Ahrax Point ranges from an average of 7 meters to a maximum of 18 meters, though some areas can reach up to 30 meters. Visibility varies from 10 to 30 meters, with an average of about 25 meters. Marine life around the area includes barracuda, tube worms, Mediterranean morays, common octopuses, parrotfish, lionfish, and black-faced blennies.

The site’s popularity among divers is due to its fascinating underwater topography and the variety of marine life it hosts.


Dive location: