Underwater photographers malta

The Fairey Swordfish wreck, located approximately 5 km off the Sliema coast in northeast Malta, is a remarkable World War II airplane wreck dive. The Swordfish was a British single-engine biplane torpedo bomber with a length of about 11 meters and a wingspan of 14 meters. In 1943, shortly after taking off from Hal Far airfield, this particular Swordfish experienced engine problems, forcing the pilot to ditch the plane into the sea. The crew of two survived, but the airplane sank.

Resting at a depth of around 70 meters on a sandy seabed, the Fairey Swordfish’s metal frame structure remains quite intact; its wings and tail are still visible, though the covering fabric has deteriorated. The plane’s radial engine, with its three-bladed propeller, is also still attached. Discovered in June 2017 and opened to divers in May 2019, the wreck site lies near St Julian’s Bay. It is now managed by Heritage Malta, and diving at this site requires a special permit.

The Fairey Swordfish played a pivotal role in several naval operations during WWII, including the attack on the Italian fleet at Taranto and the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck. Today, the wreck serves as a poignant memorial to its gallant service and attracts a variety of marine life, lying on an otherwise sterile seabed.

This dive site is specifically for technical divers due to its depth and historical significance. The site’s remnants, including the aircraft’s skeleton, engine, propeller, and cowling, have all survived intact, making it a fascinating dive for those interested in WWII history and underwater exploration.


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