Christ of the sailors

Christ of the Sailors

The dive site of the Statue of Christ, also known as Kristu tal-Bahhara (Christ of the Sailors), is a mesmerizing underwater attraction located off Qawra Point in north-eastern Malta. This 3-meter tall statue depicts Jesus Christ with arms outstretched, symbolically protecting sailors. It stands on white sand amidst a natural amphitheater of rock and is positioned at a depth of about 35 meters.

The statue’s creation was inspired by Raniero Borg, an avid diver who suggested the project to commemorate Pope John Paul II’s first visit to Malta in 1990. Maltese sculptor Alfred Camilleri Cauchi, renowned for his work, was commissioned to design and construct the statue.

Originally, the statue was placed off St. Paul’s Island near Mellieha in northeast Malta in 1990, in a ceremony graced by Pope John Paul II, who also blessed the statue.  In 2000 to its current position near the wreck of the MV Imperial Eagle.

The site also features an underwater valley leading to the bow of the Imperial Eagle wreck, about 30 meters away, and a natural rock arch in the reef wall, where a large anchor dating back to the 1600s can be found. The site has become a popular dive destination, offering a blend of historical significance and natural beauty.


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