St. Michael wreck Marsascala

The St. Michael wreck, located at Zonqor Point in Marsaskala on the southeastern coast of Malta, is a popular dive site known for its marine biodiversity. This former tugboat, originally working in the Grand Harbour of Valletta, was purposely scuttled in May 1998 along with another tugboat, Number 10, to create an artificial reef and a scuba diving attraction.

The St. Michael wreck is about 20 meters long and lies upright on a flat sandy bottom at a depth of 22 meters, with the uppermost part at around 17 meters. It is situated approximately 15 meters from the reef. When the visibility is good, the wreck can be seen from the reef, although visibility in Marsaskala Bay may vary. The Tugboat 10, positioned about 50 meters west from the stern of St. Michael and closer to the reef, is usually visited on the same dive.

Both tugboats, now partially covered with sponges and corals, have created a beautiful artificial reef and a habitat for a variety of marine life. These sites have transformed an ecologically barren seabed into a thriving shore diving location that is accessible for divers of all levels. The location is particularly favorable as it is sheltered from north-westerly winds, making it a popular dive site, especially during the summer months.

The site offers an excellent opportunity for medium-depth wreck dives and is also a good spot for underwater photography due to the marine life and the structure of the wreck itself.


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